A Deeper Look Into Desires


The topic of desire has been coming up a lot lately in the world of psychology and meditation.

What is a desire?

Is it okay to think about my desires?

Should I act on my desires?

As an experienced holistic therapist in Philadelphia and an instinctual meditator, desires, wants, and longings are important for the process of understanding who you are, what’s important to you, and what you need to thrive.

Instinctive Meditation

Since 2015, I’ve studied Instinctive Meditation through The Radiance Sutras. The Radiance Sutras is a translation of an ancient yogic text authored by Dr. Lorin Roche. Dr. Roche has studied and taught meditation since 1968 and developed Instinctual Meditation.

With this approach, desires are understood as essential to human nature. Day-to-day, we desire things from food to connection to movement. As I see it, listening to our desires is an example of deep listening of the Self. It takes great skill to listen in and to hear what your heart, mind, and body needs. 

Could we say desires = nourishment?

From a psychological perspective, a desire can manifest mentally, emotionally, and physically. A chemical reaction takes place in your neurochemistry that prompts you to go after a desire. This is the same process that happens with addiction of any form.

That brings me to the last question: should I act on my desire?

This is a healthy question to pose and crucial to respecting both yourself and others. It’s important to take ethical, safe, and healthy action when a desire arises. 

The Radiance Sutras Blog on Desires Jessica Pavelka

Lorin Roche and Camille Maurine say, “The art and skill of embracing desire includes learning how to move with intense feelings and sensations that can arise. When we encounter these energies in meditation, they may seem like obstacles, but in fact, they are doorways deeper into the Self.”

One of the beauties of meditation is that you don’t have to act on your thoughts.

Now, let’s meditate

Sutra 73 from The Radiance Sutras

Just as a desire leaps up,

And you perceive the flash, the sparkle,

Quit from its play,

And maintain awareness

In that clear and shining place

From which all desire springs.

-The Radiance Sutras

If this blog sparked interest in you, take this a step further by journaling about your desires.

What’s a desire you’ve had that came true?

What do you long for in this very moment? Connection, hot tea, travel, to swim? 

Give yourself the opportunity to explore your cravings; it might just be a deeper calling from within!

If you are interested in putting this into practice, contact me for a private meditation coaching session.



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