How to Overcome Overwhelm


Unfortunately, feeling overwhelmed happens and is a part of life sometimes. Whether it be work, school, or relationship stress, everyone feels overwhelmed at times.

Take a personal inventory and ask yourself, is this an emotion you feel frequently? If so, how often? You can dig a little deeper by pinpointing the causes.

What Can Help?

Give yourself grace when you feel overwhelmed by life. For example, try not to brush your feelings off right away or push through whatever is causing you to feel overwhelmed. Instead, try to take a step back for self-care.

Steps you can take to relieve feelings of being overwhelmed:

  • Take a break and do something unrelated to what brought up feelings of being overwhelmed

  • Write out your thoughts and emotions

  • Say No more often; make life easier for yourself

  • Practice kindness, self-compassion, and forgiveness

  • Talk it out with a trusted friend, family member, or professional counselor

  • Ask for help

A Guided Meditation to Relieve Feelings of Overwhelm

by Jessica Pavelka, MS, LPC, NCC, CYT

Meditation can be the most natural thing you know —

What is Instinctive Meditation?

The Instinctive Meditation™ approach is a way of learning and practicing meditation so that it becomes the most natural thing in the world for you– a chance to rest deeply, reclaim your love of life, release tension, and emerge refreshed after a few minutes.

The approach is grounded in the ancient yoga tradition as represented in the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra and in the last 50 years of scientific research on the physiology of meditation.

The Vijnana Bhairava Tantra is a classic yoga meditation text from around 800 AD which has been translated by Dr. Lorin Roche as The Radiance Sutras. His text describes 112 different doorways into meditative experience which allows any individual to find what works for them. -L. Roche

Do you find yourself asking, how can I practice more of this?

If this is you, reach out and book a 1:1 coaching session!



MeditationJessica Pavelka