How to Ground Yourself In 5 Minutes


Do you feel lost and unsettled?

Do you feel stressed out amidst everything that is happening in the world today?

Do you feel like you are not your “normal self?”

Do you feel out of touch with life? 

If you said yes to any of these questions, this blog can help.

I am Jessica Pavelka, MS, LPC, NCC, RYT, a Cognitive Behavioral Psychotherapist and meditation coach in Philadelphia. As an experienced Cognitive Therapist, I am here to provide you with holistic counseling tools to feel better.

Signs You Are Not Present

Before we go into the different ways that you can ground yourself, it is important to identify the signs of being disconnected from the present moment. Often, the signs can go unnoticed or you may chalk them up to being busy or distracted by other things in your life. 

However, there are certain signs that you should pay attention to. These signs can fall into different categories – physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Some of them may overlap, but in general, they fit within these categories. 

Here are some of the signs to watch out for:

  • Feeling “spaced out” or out of body

  • Inability to complete tasks

  • Losing track of time

  • Forgetfulness

  • Inability to concentrate

  • An unexplained sense of fear or anxiety

  • Feeling disjointed or out of balance

  • Inability to understand others

  • Feeling constantly anxious and worried 

Now that you know what to watch out for, let’s proceed to the different grounding techniques that you can try.

Grounding Techniques

With my experience in cognitive behavioral therapy, I will be sharing 5 of my favorite grounding exercises with you. 

  1. Belly Breathing

Let’s start with the most popular grounding technique: deep belly breathing. First, go somewhere you know you won’t be disturbed. Then, sit or lie down and find something near you to look at. Next, take a few deep breaths into the lower belly – inhale for a count of 5, exhale for a count of 5 – do this 5 times in a row to counteract anxiety. Instead of forcing it with your mind, try to observe your breath and belly instead. Let your body lead this meditation. Let go of tension by softening the muscles in your body (for example, relax the muscles in your face and shoulders).

2. Cold or Hot

One of the quickest grounding techniques is to use sensations. For instance, go to your fridge and take out an ice cube. Touch it gently and feel its coldness. If you do not like very low temperatures, you can go to your sink and splash cold water on your face. Notice the temperature and sensations. To experience a hot sensation, you can make yourself a cup of tea and hold it in both hands. Feel its warmth. Don’t drink it in a rush; take small sips and savor the warmth it brings to your mind and body. Enjoy!

3. The 5-4-3-2-1 Method

Identify five things that you can see around you, four things that you can touch, three things that you can hear, two things that you can smell, and one thing that you can taste

4. Meditation

Meditation that involves bringing attention to your physical body can help ground you. Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR) meditation helps you closely observe each body part and learn how to relax. You can download Calm or Headspace to practice PMR. Once you feel grounded, you are conscious of yourself and your surroundings. 

5. Self-compassion

Take a moment to repeat aloud kind phrases to yourself: I know I am having a hard time, but I will get through this; I know things feel tough right now, but it will pass; I am doing my best, and that is something to be grateful for.

Share Your Ideas

What do you do when you feel disconnected to yourself or out-of-sync? Want to give counseling a try?


